
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Friends, New Places

Yesterday was all about settling in, and I don't think I would have been able to do it if I hadn't met some fellow students in my dorm. The must-do's yesterday involved grocery shopping and going to the Nerima city office to register myself. I went to both the grocery store and the city office building with other students, which made both tasks much easier.
Grocery store shopping in Japan is much like grocery store shopping in the US, except I can only read about 30% of all the labels. Some things were different, like the fact that the grocery store didn't chill its eggs, but mostly everything is the same. Riding the train to the city office was made easier because one of the students knows the train system. And once out of the station, there were (English) signs pointing the right was to the building.
Jet lag is still hanging around, I went to bed at four pm last night. Woke up at 4 am. I blame this on the reason I have no pictures to post today. I'll try and remember my camera as I go exploring today.