

Generally, watch me as I stumble through how to live life in the semblance of adulthood. Follow the hilarity of my attempts to make the transition from child to adult as gracelessly as possible. This blog follows my year abroad in Tokyo, Japan and all the adventures that being abroad brought to me.

This blog started as a way to maintain contact with all my many relatives located all over the U.S. of A. Because, well, what else is a college junior supposed to do but study abroad... for a year. And, it was fun to update everyone at home about all the fun I was having in Tokyo (ie. be obnoxious about it!).

So, what's a Cackleberry?

It's pretty much ketchup and scrambled egg. The story goes, I had a cousin who claimed to hate eggs. So, when my uncle set a plate of the previously mentioned eggs in front of him, he informed my cousin that they were in fact NOT eggs and were actually cackleberries. A tradition was born, and my mother raised us calling scrambled eggs 'cackleberries'. And since this blog was created to keep family in touch, it needed a family name.

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